Posts tagged mindful practices
Gratitude in Quarantine

For the first time ever, TED, like many other organizations, has been forced to transition to a virtual setting. This transition was very much new terrain that we’ve had to adjust to, and while initially difficult and strange, it became something we eventually acclimated to. We wanted to share a list of a few things that we have learned during our time in quarantine. 

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March Favorites 2020

We reached out to several members in our beloved TEDx team, and asked them what the one thing was that helped alleviate their boredom or enhanced their daily routines. Whether it was a book, a movie, a TV show, or a skincare product, we’ve compiled it all into a list of favorites that the TEDx members wanted to recommend to our readers.

So we hope you’re ready for: TEDx March Favorites 2020!

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